Cranial Tank - Product Overview

What is it?

Cranial Tank is a game of tank warfare. It is not a game for the light-hearted or simple-minded, but a game for the logical-minded.

The concept is this: there is a simple programming language used to give tanks commands. The full list of commands is written and loaded into a tank. Everyone's tank is then unleased into an arena. Everyone holds their breath in anticipation as the tanks fight in a battle-royal to the death. In the end, only one mind can win. Will you create it?

The Language

The Language is designed to be as simple as possible. It is not a full programming language by any means. By having a simple language it reduces the chance of the expert programming being able to easily rule the game. It does not take a programmer to make a tank, but it certainly helps.

Check out the language specification for more information.

Screen Shots

Tank Editor

First use the tank editor to bring you tank design to life. Teach it to search. Teach it to kill. Most important, teach it to win!

Tank Battle

Then throw your tank into the arena and watch it do battle against the others. Weep when it gets shot! Cry out with joy when it strikes back. Emotions run rampant in this game.

What's Next

Cranial Tank Downloads


To download the tanks, right-click on them and choose Save. Otherwise your web browser will just show you the Xml.