Running the Whole Way (05/22/2009)
Though man loves his fellow, yet man is a money-making animal, which propensity too often interferes with his benevolence.
- Moby Dick
Every since I moved to the bay area, every third weekend of May is an annual time I think to myself, "man, I should really run the Bay to Breakers this year." I made a valiant attempt at it back in '04, but got tired half way through, stopped for a bit to eat and never ended up finishing.
Sure, part of me feels like I shouldn't have to pay a bunch of money to walk a seven mile stretch of road in San Francisco that I could walk for free any other day of the year. But walk it this year I did! I tried to rally my friends, but most had my old opinion... "yeah, I really want to do that, but..." as the day grew near I figured I would be walking it alone, and I was set.
Then, my great east bay friends said, "oh we will go with you, but only if our four and two year old children can come too!" and what could be better than walking seven miles with drunk and naked people that if you also had young corruptible children with you?
As always, I was reminded the great wonder of mankind. My wallet fell out of my pocket on the Bart ride over, but as I stepped off Bart they called out to me, "did you you leave your wallet!?!" and I got it back averting much sadness. As we ran, and by ran I mean walked and drank mojitos, many naked people passed us. There was also quite a lot of swearing, but whenever they would notice the children they would apologize "sorry about swearing!" Ha. Keyboard cat, play the runners off!
Sippy Sippy (05/20/2009)
It's always good to wake up on the top side of the grass.
- Gil Gerard
Time has been rip roaring and flying by. I am having lots of fun at the office. I'm having even more fun outside the office. So I am looking forward, more than ever, to being home in the evenings and being on vacation on the weekends. I have been using every weekend to its fullest.
I few weekends ago I went out wine tasting for my cousin's birthday in the El Dorado hills. I have not been out to that area of California and had a nice doing sip sip sip. When we paused for lunch we got pizza and there was a an air hockey table there where I proceeded to school people. Because I love to school people at air hockey.
Now overall the wine tasting was all well and fine, but then at one final spot we went into the back for barrel tasting. I have never had the opportunity to do this before, but all the barrels were sitting around and the barrel master would pull wine by vacuum from various barrels and fill out glass. He would show us what they tasted like aged slightly differently and he would mix various varieties to teach us a bit about blending. Now in the barrel room there was no spittoon in the back and as the drunken barrel master kept giving up more and more delicious options we kept having more and more problems. Until eventually, I was drinking double.
Slipped Away (05/16/2009)
Whatever is locked can always be unlocked.
- The 4th Doctor
I cannot tell you the last lazy Saturday that I have had. It has been months.
After the morning routine of coffee and crumpets, blood draw, hair cut and shopping I returned to sit outside on the porch and let the afternoon just slip through my fingers with a good book. I am currently working on "Blink" which I bought in Japan after accidentally finishing the Watchman graphic novel ahead of schedule. If I were the type of person to not finish a book, I would not finish this one. It is a five page long concept, filled out with hundreds of page of interesting examples which don't do anything to prove the foundation comment. I am also working on "Atlas Shrugged" which I don't feel I can comment on yet. The only other Ayn Rand book I have read is "Anthem" which I found once upon a time on my bookshelf at my father's house.
While turning through pages of books and fiddling with music I got an e-mail from a friend who sent saxophone sheet music for "Tank!" and "Rush" and so ended any intent to do anything else today. The day slowly drained away through music and my jaw ached more and more as I tried my best to play notes too high for me and switch keys too fast for me. It was a good day.