Building Fashion (05/14/2008)
It wasn't so much of a controlled effort to end up as part of the Goth scene.
- Kenny Hickey
I was in LA over the weekend for my brother's graduation and while packing for the event I realized I don't have a good hoodie anymore. I'm not entirely sure how that is. I used to have a green Massimo hoodie and a block faux-goth Hawaiin Island Creations hoodie and I adored both of them, but some time ago they have gone on a vacation which is no permanent. All I have left are two Google hoodies and when I wear those people who don't know assume I work for Google and I get paranoid around people who do know because I assume they are walking on egg shells around me. It's awkward for everyone.
Since hoodies are all about exuding one's personality, finding the right one is a great cause of emotional concern for me. I don't want to just go out and buy some random hoodie that people will judge incorrectly on. That would be tragic! I went trolling around e-bay to try and locate a Shonen Knife or Puffy hoodie without any success. There is a decent chance that I might be able to score something decent j-pop related at AX this year, so I'll make sure to keep that in my mind.
As I was trolling around, Adzar suggested I go looking at the local Hot Topic and I must admit that I was shocked he suggested it, intrigued by the idea and embarrassed that I was intrigued by the idea. Really, what says my personality any stronger than pretending to be a 16-year-old emo boy? Not a lot.
Speaking of which, while I was at LMU over the weekend for the bro's graduation he took me out to college parties. People would ask me, "Are you graduating this year?" To which I would say, "I already graduated from a sister school." This lead to the embarrassing question of, "when did you graduate." I would pause, knowing I was that old creepy guy who shouldn't be there, and say "let's just say I'm the oldest person in this room." This comment would typically cause a pause and response of "are you like, 25?" Oh kids. So naive. The bro commented that the ladies would flock around me and all I could say was, "yes, I exude maturity in the form of a light scent of stale whiskey. Women can't resist that. It smells like class."