Redesign (5/29/2001)
That's right. After a long time of the same old design, The site devs at Chaos Corporation, have redesigned from the ground up. The reason was to remove all of the old HTML code I had, and to simplify the site in general. There was a lot IE and FrontPage specific junk that was causing issues with other browsers like Lynx and Netscape. There was a horrible mix of bad HTML with Style Sheets and in the end, I wanted to fix it all.
One of the things we've found most interesting in the redesign is Microsoft's lack of support of it. Now that I've made the entire website XHTML 1.0 compliant, it no longer appears correctly in Front Page when attempting to edit it. Instead, Front Page wants to switch it over to use its style sheets. It comes as no suprise that Netscape 6.0 doesn't display the page correctly if I allow Front Page to take over.